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Introduction to Blockchain - Blockchain Basics

· One min read
Muel - Nova
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在这篇名为「Blockchain」浅浅入门一哈 Blockchain的博文中,作者nova通过分享链接带领读者进入学习以太坊智能合约的平台Ethernaut,以帮助新手熟悉区块链技术。文章主要介绍了如何操作智能合约,同时指出当前获取测试以太坊币的渠道。目前,nova建议通过GOERILI FAUCET获取每天0.2的测试币。

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Hello Ethernaut

This level is probably designed to familiarize you with how contracts work.

The challenge may lie in dealing with money (currently, perhaps only GOERILI FAUCET can provide some money, 0.2 per day).

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