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Pwner who wants to write codes.
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· 11 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.




· 5 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.



· 41 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

本文作于 2024/09/24。



「Pwn」粗浅分析 House Of Muney

· 12 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

前几天 ZBR 发了这个 repo,我寻思没听过,看着攻击能力还挺强的,于是浅浅分析一下。

简单来说,这个 house 能做这样一件事:在没有泄露的情况下绕过 ASLR 实现代码执行。


  • Partial RELRO / No RELRO —— 它需要修改 .dynsym 去修改 dlresolve 结果
  • 可以分配较大的堆 —— 要使其由 MMAP 分配
  • 能够改写这个堆的 prev_size 和 size 字段,使得 IS_MMAPED 位被改写

本文将基于 2.31 的环境,复现 Docker 可以使用下面的 Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

# Update
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install socat -y gdb vim tmux python3 python3-pip

# General things needed for pwntools and pwndbg to run
RUN apt-get install git build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev patchelf python3-dev -y

RUN pip3 install pwn

# Install pwndbg
RUN git clone && cd pwndbg && ./ && cd ../

RUN echo "set auto-load safe-path /" >> /root/.gdbinit

# Challenge files to ADD
RUN git clone

# Fixes the loader and recompiles the binary for us :)
RUN cd house-of-muney && ./

Off-by-null 的利用方法

· 20 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.


本文将主要介绍 2.23 和 2.31 版本下的利用,2.27 和 2.23 差不多,多填一个 tcache 即可。2.29 和 2.31 也差不多,多了一个 key。

因此,阅读本文你需要对 Heap 的分配有一定的基础,本文将更多涉及方法而非原理。


  • 存在 off-by-null
  • 分配次数几乎不受限
  • 分配大小几乎不受限或是能分配 largebin 范围
  • 不存在 edit 函数或只能 edit 一次
  • 只能 show 一次(按理来说不能 show 也可以,但是堆块分配太麻烦了,做这种题不如睡觉)

Real-time Synchronization of OneDrive with inotify in WSL2

· 4 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

Recently, I've been working on some development projects, and I keep all my projects on OneDrive, using ln -s to create a symbolic link in WSL2 for development.

The IO performance across file systems like WSL2 ext4 and NTFS is painfully slow. Some venv and node_modules also heavily pollute my OneDrive. Despite some optimizations, frequent use of commands like git status has made me somewhat dissatisfied with this approach. However, I've always felt that the benefits of OneDrive synchronization outweigh these side effects, so I haven't done anything about it. Yesterday, I came across Dev Drive and suddenly thought, why not change it?

Considering that projects typically involve a large number of files, mostly small ones, I decided to migrate certain folders to WSL2 and use Robocopy to synchronize content bidirectionally between OneDrive and WSL2, trading space for efficiency.

This article will be tailored to my specific use case. If you just need to back up WSL2 content to OneDrive, I recommend referring to this article.

「Kernel」Following the Linux Kernel Lab Lightly

· 73 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

Before We Begin

In this article, we will follow along with Linux Kernel Teaching, progressing from basic to advanced kernel studies, to prepare for potential future kernel development work.

It's worth noting that this course also has a Chinese version, and you can support their efforts by starring the repository at linux-kernel-labs-zh/docs-linux-kernel-labs-zh-cn.

In subsequent blog posts, I may simply summarize the course content, as copying existing material without adding my own insights would be pointless. Our focus will be on the experimental sections.