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PWN Debugging and 1-day exploit development for CVE-2018-1160

· 5 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

Attachment download link: +

It took about 1.5 days, and overall it was a very productive debugging and reproducing process. I learned some exploitation and debugging techniques, and it was very helpful for expanding my mindset.

The discovery process of the vulnerability is explained clearly by the author in Exploiting an 18 Year Old Bug. A Write-up for CVE-2018–1160 | by Jacob Baines, which is very interesting. You can also find a translated version at Discovery and Exploitation of Netatalk CVE-2018-1160_c01dkit's Blog-CSDN Blog.

The author mentioned in their blog that this vulnerability can only be exploited on NAS with -no-pie. However, the creator of the HITCON 2019 challenge, DDAA, provided an exploit approach in HITCON CTF 2019 Pwn 371 Netatalk (, which basically involves leveraging the nature of fork where child processes do not change the memory layout — in other words, ASLR plays a very minor role (laughs). This way, we can expose a valid address through a side channel and then exploit it.

PWN CVE-2023-4911 Reproduction

· 9 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

Recently encountered this vulnerability, it seems to have a wide range of potential exploits. Although most machines in China seem to have a relatively low version of libc, let's take a look at it first.

Environment Setup

Testing Environment

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on Windows 10 x86_64


Glibc: 2.35-0ubuntu3.3


· 12 min read

From Zero to Python AsyncIO Life

I've been using AsyncIO for asynchronous programming in Python, but I've never thought about why. Let's take this opportunity to understand AsyncIO better.


First of all, we need to understand what an Iterable is, which is basically an object that can be used in a for loop. Common examples of Iterable include list, str, tuple, and dict.

In Python, how does it determine if an object is an Iterable? We can use the dir() function to check its attribute list.

By running the following code, we can see their common interface:

from typing import Iterable

iterable = [
"", # str
[], # list
{}, # dict
(), # tuple
set() # set

def show_diff(*objects: Iterable):
"""Print the attribute differences between Iterable and object"""
assert objects
attrs = set(dir(objects[0]))
for obj in objects[1:]:
attrs &= set(dir(obj)) # Get the intersection of Iterables
attrs -= set(dir(object)) # Get the difference between Iterable and object


# {'__iter__', '__contains__', '__len__'}

As we can see, the key attribute is __iter__. In fact, for any object that has the __iter__ method specified, it will be considered an Iterable. Attributes like __len__ and __contains__ are common to container type Iterables.

If we add a non-container type Iterable, the result becomes obvious:

iterable = [
"", # str
[], # list
{}, # dict
(), # tuple
set(), # set
open(__file__) # IO


# {'__iter__'}


In Python, methods like __iter__ in Iterables have corresponding calling methods, which is iter().

Let's see the results when we use iter() on the container type Iterables listed above:

for i in iterable:

<str_iterator object at 0x7f7bd06fafe0>
<list_iterator object at 0x7f7bd06fafe0>
<dict_keyiterator object at 0x7f7bd08c4b80>
<tuple_iterator object at 0x7f7bd06fafe0>
<set_iterator object at 0x7f7bd0720440>

We can see that they all return an Iterator object. As demonstrated in the Iterable section, let's once again find the attribute differences among them:

# {'__next__', '__iter__'}

So, compared to Iterable, there is an additional __next__ method in Iterator, which is used to return data in the next iteration.

In the end, after all values have been iterated, it will raise a StopIteration error to indicate the end of the iteration.

We can build a custom Iterator with the following code:

class MyIterator:
def __init__(self, Iter):
self.index = 0 = Iter

def __next__(self):
while self.index < len(
data =[self.index]
self.index += 1
return data
raise StopIteration

def __iter__(self):
"""Iterators must be iterable"""
return self

things = ["I", "AM", "ITERABLE", "GOD"]

for i in MyIterator(things):

Stay tuned for the next parts!```python task...") t1 = time.time() await Awaitable(sleep, 2) assert time.time() - t1 > 2, "You didn't block, silly pig" print(" I'm finished") return 123

class Awaitable: def init(self, *obj): self.obj = obj

def __await__(self):
yield self.obj

class Task: def init(self, _task): self.coro = _task

def run(self):
while True:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
result = _e.value
func, arg = x
return result


Returning to our `small_step`, we are using a hard-coded blocking mechanism `sleep(2)`, but in reality, there are more types of blocking than just this one. We should aim for a more general mechanism for blocking.

In `Awaitable`, we are directly yielding `self`.

class Awaitable:
def __init__(self, *obj):
self.obj = obj

def __await__(self):
yield self

class Task:
def __init__(self, _task):
self.coro = _task

def run(self):
while True:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
result = _e.value
func, arg = x.obj
return result

Now, notice one thing: our function is still blocking, and we haven't completely yielded control of our program's execution. Let's continue to modify the Task code.

class Task:
def __init__(self, _task):
self.coro = _task
self._done = False
self._result = None

def run(self):
if not self._done:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
self._result = _e.value
self._done = True
... # This should not happen, an exception should be raised

t = Task(task())
for i in range(10): # During sleep(2), we can do other things.
print("doing something", i)

We are manually scheduling multiple tasks here. In reality, we should schedule tasks automatically through an event loop (Event Loop).

Event Loop

Firstly, tasks must have a queue. We can use a deque double-ended queue to store tasks.

class Event:
def __init__(self):
self._queue = collections.deque()

def call_soon(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
self._queue.append((callback, args, kwargs))

Next, we add scheduled tasks. Due to the special nature of scheduled tasks, we use a heap to store them. Here, we leverage heapq for operations.

class Event:
def __init__(self):
self._queue = collections.deque()
self._scheduled = []

def call_soon(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
self._queue.append((callback, args, kwargs))

def call_later(self, delay, callback, *args, **kwargs):
_t = time.time() + delay
heapq.heappush(self._scheduled, (_t, callback, args, kwargs))

Let's write the event scheduling function.

class Event:
def __init__(self):
self._queue = collections.deque()
self._scheduled = []
self._stopping = False

def call_soon(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
self._queue.append((callback, args, kwargs))

def call_later(self, delay, callback, *args, **kwargs):
_t = time.time() + delay
heapq.heappush(self._scheduled, (_t, callback, args, kwargs))

def stop(self):
self._stopping = True

def run_forever(self):
while True:
self.run_once() # At least one execution is necessary, so put the condition check below
if self._stopping:

def run_once(self):
now = time.time()
if self._scheduled and now > self._scheduled[0][0]:
_, cb, args, kwargs = heapq.heappop(self._scheduled)
self._queue.append((cb, args, kwargs))

task_num = len(self._queue) # Prevent adding more tasks to the queue during execution
for _ in range(task_num):
cb, args, kwargs = self._queue.popleft()
cb(*args, **kwargs)

t = Task(task())
loop = Event()
loop.call_later(2.1, loop.stop)

Now, let's modify small_step

async def small_step():
t1 = time.time()
time_ = random.randint(1, 3)
await Awaitable(time_)
assert time.time() - t1 > time_, f"{time_} You didn't block, silly pig {time.time() - t1}"
return time_

As this time has been passed to Task, we need to handle it in Task, which means adding a loop.call_later() while blocking.

class Task:
def __init__(self, _task):
self.coro = _task
self._done = False
self._result = None

def run(self):
if not self._done:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
self._result = _e.value
self._done = True
... # This should not happen, an exception should be raised

Now, we can remove the manually specified call_later

t = Task(task())
loop = Event()
loop.call_later(1.1, loop.stop) # random() will only yield values between 0 and 1

Finally, let's try implementing multiple tasks and actually demonstrate the async effect through some parameters.

import collections
import heapq
import itertools
import random
import time
from time import sleep

count = itertools.count(0)
total = 0

async def task():
""" Create a new task """
print("TASK BEGIN...")

print(" MainStep...")

main_result = await main_step()

print(f" MainStep Finished with result {main_result}")

print("TASK END")

async def main_step():
print(" SmallStep(s)...")

small_result = await small_step()

print(f" SmallStep(s) Finished with result {small_result}")

return small_result * 100

async def small_step():
t1 = time.time()
time_ = random.random()
await Awaitable(time_)
assert time.time() - t1 > time_, f"{time_} You didn't block, silly pig {time.time() - t1}"
return time_

class Awaitable:
def __init__(self, *obj):
self.obj = obj

def __await__(self):
yield self

class Task:
def __init__(self, _task):
self.coro = _task
self._done = False
self._result = None
self._id = f"Task-{next(count)}"

def run(self):
print(f"--------- {self._id} --------")
if not self._done:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
self._result = _e.value
self._done = True
... # This should not happen, an exception should be raised

class Event:
def __init__(self):
self._queue = collections.deque()
self._scheduled = []
self._stopping = False

def call_soon(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
self._queue.append((callback, args, kwargs))

def call_later(self, delay, callback, *args, **kwargs):
_t = time.time() + delay
global total
total += delay
heapq.heappush(self._scheduled, (_t, callback, args, kwargs))

def stop(self):
self._stopping = True

def run_forever(self):
while True:
self.run_once() # At least one execution is necessary, so put the condition check below
if self._stopping:

def run_once(self):
now = time.time()
if self._scheduled and now > self._scheduled[0][0]:
_, cb, args, kwargs = heapq.heappop(self._scheduled)
self._queue.append((cb, args, kwargs))

task_num = len(self._queue) # Prevent adding more tasks to the queue during execution
for _ in range(task_num):
cb, args, kwargs = self._queue.popleft()
cb(*args, **kwargs)

t = Task(task())
loop = Event()
loop.call_later(1.1, loop.stop)

Here, we can see that while we would normally need around 509.3s to run all the tasks, thanks to the concurrent execution achieved through task scheduling, we finished running all 1000 tasks within just 1 second.


Finally, our code actively uses sleep to simulate blocking. How should we do this in a real-world scenario?

Typically, we want to perform an operation and obtain a value, as shown below:

async def small_step():
result = await Awaitable(...)
return result

In this situation, we should introduce Future. What is a Future? It's a result that will happen in the future, as opposed to Awaitable, where we can't pass the result at the time of creation.

class Future:
def __init__(self):
self._result = None
self._done = False

def set_result(self, result):
if self._done:
raise RuntimeError() # Disallowed operation
self._result = result
self._done = True

def result(self):
if self._done:
return self._result
raise RuntimeError()

def __await__(self):
yield self

Therefore, we need something to designate when to execute set_result.

async def small_step():
fut = Future()
# do something that will call set_result
result = await fut
return result

In this case, Task should receive this future, but the future doesn't have any information, only a flag telling us the task is not yet completed.

How does our Task know when to resume execution?

We can add a callback record in Future to signify this.

class Future:
def __init__(self):
self._result = None
self._done = False
self._callbacks = []

def add_done_callback(self, cb):

def set_result(self, result):
if self._done:
raise RuntimeError() # Disallowed operation
self._result = result
self._done = True

for cb in self._callbacks:
cb() # May have other parameters

def result(self):
if self._done:
return self._result
raise RuntimeError()

def __await__(self):
yield self
return self.result # result = await fut will retrieve this value

class Task:
def __init__(self, _task):
self.coro = _task
self._done = False
self._result = None
self._id = f"Task-{next(count)}"

def run(self):
print(f"--------- {self._id} --------")
if not self._done:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
self._result = _e.value
self._done = True
... # This should not happen, an exception should be raised

Now, we can observe Task and Future

We can see that Task can simply inherit from Future.

class Task(Future):
def __init__(self, _task):
self.coro = _task
self._id = f"Task-{next(count)}"

def run(self):
print(f"--------- {self._id} --------")
if not self._done:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
... # This should not happen, an exception should be raised

At this point, AsyncIO is basically implemented. However, compared to Python's own AsyncIO, our code could be considered very basic. It lacks in performance (since it's not written in C) and has issues in exception handling and other areas. Finally, here is the optimized code. (Didn't mention the hook-up between Task and loop, but it's written)

import collections
import heapq
import itertools
import random
import threading
import time
from time import sleep

count = itertools.count(0)
blocked = 0

async def task():
""" Create a new task """
print("TASK BEGIN...")

print(" MainStep...")

main_result = await main_step()

print(f" MainStep Finished with result {main_result}")

print("TASK END")

async def main_step():
print(" SmallStep(s)...")

small_result = await small_step()

print(f" SmallStep(s) Finished with result {small_result}")

return small_result * 100

async def small_step():
fut = Future()
result = await fut
return result

class Future:
def __init__(self):
self._result = None
self._done = False
self._callbacks = []

def add_done_callback(self, cb):

def set_result(self, result):
if self._done:
raise RuntimeError() # Disallowed operation
self._result = result
self._done = True

for cb in self._callbacks:
cb() # May have other parameters

def result(self):
if self._done:
return self._result
raise RuntimeError()

def __await__(self):
yield self
return self.result

class Task(Future):
def __init__(self, _task):
self._loop = loop
self.coro = _task
self._id = f"Task-{next(count)}"
self._start_time = time.time()

def run(self):
print(f"--------- {self._id} --------")
if not self._done:
x = self.coro.send(None)
except StopIteration as _e:
global blocked
blocked += time.time() - self._start_time
... # This should not happen, an exception should be raised

class Event:
def __init__(self):
self._queue = collections.deque()
self._scheduled = []
self._stopping = False

def call_soon(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
self._queue.append((callback, args, kwargs))

def call_later(self, delay, callback, *args, **kwargs):
_t = time.time() + delay
heapq.heappush(self._scheduled, (_t, callback, args, kwargs))

def stop(self):
self._stopping = True

def run_forever(self):
while True:
self.run_once() # At least one execution is necessary, so put the condition check below
if self._stopping:

def run_once(self):
now = time.time()
if self._scheduled and now > self._scheduled[0][0] + (10 ** -5):
_, cb, args, kwargs = heapq.heappop(self._scheduled)
self._queue.append((cb, args, kwargs))

task_num = len(self._queue) # Prevent adding more tasks to the queue during execution
for _ in range(task_num):
cb, args, kwargs = self._queue.popleft()
cb(*args, **kwargs)

def fake_io(fut):
def read():
sleep(t_ := random.random()) # IO blocking

def run_until_all_task(tasks):
if tasks := [_task for _task in tasks if not _task._done]:
loop.call_soon(run_until_all_task, tasks)

loop = Event()
all_tasks = [Task(task()) for _ in range(1000)]
loop.call_soon(run_until_all_task, all_tasks)
t1 = time.time()
print(time.time() - t1, blocked)


This Content is generated by ChatGPT and might be wrong / incomplete, refer to Chinese version if you find something wrong.

Automatic Blog Deployment Using Github Webhook

· 2 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

Feeling tired of typing ssh, git pull, and npm run build every time to deploy your blog? Well, I thought about using a webhook.

But still need to manually resolve the conflicts in package-lock.json, wondering if there's a way to ignore it (just ignore this thing!)

Create WSL2 Bridged Network with Hyper-V and IPv6 Support

· 2 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

I don't know what happened, I used to be able to access services in WSL2 directly from the host using localhost:port, but suddenly it doesn't work today. Taking this opportunity, I'll create a virtual network card based on the documentation I read recently to set up a WSL2 bridge, which will not only support IPv6 but also allow direct access to my WSL2 services in the local network without the need for port forwarding. Since my WSL2 is not sandboxed anyway, I'm not too concerned about security xD.

Installing Arch Linux on USB External Hard Drive and Reserving Storage Space for Windows Devices

· 5 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

Frustrated with syncing data across multiple platforms for years, I suddenly remembered that I still have a SanDisk 256G Gen3.1 USB flash drive I can use, so I decided to research how to install Arch Linux on a USB drive.


  • VMWare Workstation
  • Arch Linux image
  • A fast and large capacity USB drive (recommended USB 3.0+, with a size of 50GB or more)

How to Modify Local Saves to Server Saves in Palworld

· 3 min read

Before You Start

Please make sure you have some hands-on abilities. Based on the assumption that you can open a server, the following text will assume that readers will use Python3 and be familiar with using the terminal.


  • Python3
  • MuelNova/Palworld-Save-Patcher
  • Prepare the save to be converted, referred to as %SAVE% in this guide, it should be similar to the structure below
├── LevelMeta.sav
├── Level.sav
├── LocalData.sav
├── Players
│   ├── 00000000000000000000000000000001.sav
│   ├── PLAYER_B_GUID.sav
│   └── PLAYER_C_GUID.sav
└── WorldOption.sav

Version Information (Current as of)

Modification Process

Extracting Server Saves

Ensure that your server is up and running and copy the entire %SAVE% to the server saves location.

The original homeowner logs into the game, which should prompt the creation of a new user. Proceed to create a new user and perform some actions before exiting the game.

At this point, a new file should appear in the %SAVE%/Players folder, representing the GUID of each STEAM user, identified as 0D000721000000000000000000000001.sav.

├── LevelMeta.sav
├── Level.sav
├── LocalData.sav
├── Players
│   ├── 00000000000000000000000000000001.sav
│   ├── PLAYER_B_GUID.sav
│   ├── 0D000721000000000000000000000001.sav
│   └── PLAYER_C_GUID.sav
└── WorldOption.sav

In this case, 0D000721000000000000000000000001 is the GUID of the original homeowner.

Shutdown the server, and make sure you have backed up the %SAVE% folder.

Running the Script

git clone
cd Palworld-Save-Patcher
python fix-host %SAVE% %GUID%
# Replace with your own values
# python fix-host /home/nova/test_pal 0D000721000000000000000000000001

Restart the Server

The original homeowner should now have progress in the game; however, the name and guild no longer exist. You need to join a friend's server to see them. This is a small flaw (due to these details being stored in BYTE, making it inconvenient to modify).


This part can be skipped if not interested.

Analysis of Save Files

Located in %applocaldadta%\Pal\Saved\SavedGame\<STEAM_ID>\<WORLD_ID>


Contains map data, unrelated to users. Can be directly copied to other saves to skip the map opening process.


Critical file that stores all resources, their owners, and map events.


Player files

.sav Files

Currently, only the modification method is known, without the actual principle. Refer to Converting Palworld saves to JSON and back ( for more information.

For a .sav file, it is not a standard UE .sav file header but a file compressed using zlib (or double compressed).

  • [0:4] is the uncompressed size
  • [4:8] is the compressed size
  • [8:11] is a fixed magic number "PlZ"
  • [11] represents a type, with possible values: 0x30, 0x31, 0x32. 0x30 is unused, 0x31 is for single zlib compression, and 0x32 for double zlib compression
  • [12:] is the compressed data

After decompression, a GVAS file is obtained, which can be converted to a JSON file using tools like trumank/uesave-rs: Rust library to read and write Unreal Engine save files (

uesave to-json --input <GUID>.sav.gvas --output <GUID>.sav.json

This Content is generated by ChatGPT and might be wrong / incomplete, refer to Chinese version if you find something wrong.

Yes, I Changed My Nickname!

· 5 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

After much thought, I decided to share some small and not-so-interesting things from my life here rather than in the clown section or the blog section.

Some Problems Encountered When Migrating to Linux on the Mechrevo Yilong 15Pro

· 4 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

Buying a cost-effective non-mainstream laptop comes with consequences, as there is no hardware adaptation for Linux, and no plans to support it. After using it for a week, I managed to solve about three issues: keyboard malfunction, inactive Bluetooth module, inability to install graphics card drivers, and immediate wake-up from sleep. Here is a brief overview of how I tackled them.