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Installing Arch Linux on USB External Hard Drive and Reserving Storage Space for Windows Devices

· 5 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

Frustrated with syncing data across multiple platforms for years, I suddenly remembered that I still have a SanDisk 256G Gen3.1 USB flash drive I can use, so I decided to research how to install Arch Linux on a USB drive.


  • VMWare Workstation
  • Arch Linux image
  • A fast and large capacity USB drive (recommended USB 3.0+, with a size of 50GB or more)

How to Modify Local Saves to Server Saves in Palworld

· 3 min read

Before You Start

Please make sure you have some hands-on abilities. Based on the assumption that you can open a server, the following text will assume that readers will use Python3 and be familiar with using the terminal.


  • Python3
  • MuelNova/Palworld-Save-Patcher
  • Prepare the save to be converted, referred to as %SAVE% in this guide, it should be similar to the structure below
├── LevelMeta.sav
├── Level.sav
├── LocalData.sav
├── Players
│   ├── 00000000000000000000000000000001.sav
│   ├── PLAYER_B_GUID.sav
│   └── PLAYER_C_GUID.sav
└── WorldOption.sav

Version Information (Current as of)

Modification Process

Extracting Server Saves

Ensure that your server is up and running and copy the entire %SAVE% to the server saves location.

The original homeowner logs into the game, which should prompt the creation of a new user. Proceed to create a new user and perform some actions before exiting the game.

At this point, a new file should appear in the %SAVE%/Players folder, representing the GUID of each STEAM user, identified as 0D000721000000000000000000000001.sav.

├── LevelMeta.sav
├── Level.sav
├── LocalData.sav
├── Players
│   ├── 00000000000000000000000000000001.sav
│   ├── PLAYER_B_GUID.sav
│   ├── 0D000721000000000000000000000001.sav
│   └── PLAYER_C_GUID.sav
└── WorldOption.sav

In this case, 0D000721000000000000000000000001 is the GUID of the original homeowner.

Shutdown the server, and make sure you have backed up the %SAVE% folder.

Running the Script

git clone
cd Palworld-Save-Patcher
python fix-host %SAVE% %GUID%
# Replace with your own values
# python fix-host /home/nova/test_pal 0D000721000000000000000000000001

Restart the Server

The original homeowner should now have progress in the game; however, the name and guild no longer exist. You need to join a friend's server to see them. This is a small flaw (due to these details being stored in BYTE, making it inconvenient to modify).


This part can be skipped if not interested.

Analysis of Save Files

Located in %applocaldadta%\Pal\Saved\SavedGame\<STEAM_ID>\<WORLD_ID>


Contains map data, unrelated to users. Can be directly copied to other saves to skip the map opening process.


Critical file that stores all resources, their owners, and map events.


Player files

.sav Files

Currently, only the modification method is known, without the actual principle. Refer to Converting Palworld saves to JSON and back ( for more information.

For a .sav file, it is not a standard UE .sav file header but a file compressed using zlib (or double compressed).

  • [0:4] is the uncompressed size
  • [4:8] is the compressed size
  • [8:11] is a fixed magic number "PlZ"
  • [11] represents a type, with possible values: 0x30, 0x31, 0x32. 0x30 is unused, 0x31 is for single zlib compression, and 0x32 for double zlib compression
  • [12:] is the compressed data

After decompression, a GVAS file is obtained, which can be converted to a JSON file using tools like trumank/uesave-rs: Rust library to read and write Unreal Engine save files (

uesave to-json --input <GUID>.sav.gvas --output <GUID>.sav.json

This Content is generated by ChatGPT and might be wrong / incomplete, refer to Chinese version if you find something wrong.

Yes, I Changed My Nickname!

· 5 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

After much thought, I decided to share some small and not-so-interesting things from my life here rather than in the clown section or the blog section.

Some Problems Encountered When Migrating to Linux on the Mechrevo Yilong 15Pro

· 4 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

Buying a cost-effective non-mainstream laptop comes with consequences, as there is no hardware adaptation for Linux, and no plans to support it. After using it for a week, I managed to solve about three issues: keyboard malfunction, inactive Bluetooth module, inability to install graphics card drivers, and immediate wake-up from sleep. Here is a brief overview of how I tackled them.

2023 年终总结

· 7 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

出于各种因素的考虑,我将 《2023 中期总结》、《2023 中期总结——续》两篇文章进行了隐藏。

尽管现在只是 2023 年 12 月中旬,但是由于接下来的时间要着手于进行期末的预习,因此不太可能腾出空来,提前半个月这种事情就原谅我吧 haha

我原本的计划是写一个 fancy sharing 插件,让我能很优雅地进行长截图分享,但是显然它被搁置了。

Some useful gadgets I use now

· 4 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

I've been using a computer for so many years, I have also collected a number of software applications that enhance usability and improve efficiency (and got a cluttered taskbar). Seizing this opportunity to share, with periodic updates.

小评 すずめの戸締まり(铃芽之旅)

· 17 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.


  • 本篇文章仅是个人记录,本人仅为普通观影爱好者,并无专业影评/漫评经验。本篇文章评价将极其主观,如果可以的话,请不要受到我个人观点的影响,保持你自己对电影的看法。
  • 尽管本篇文章想要尽可能地做到不剧透,但是这是不可能的。在阅读前,为了你的观看体验,请确保你最少看过 すずめの戸締り(铃芽之旅) 的先导预告片,或是在阅读过小说/观影后再进行阅读。
  • 本人的文学素养极低,从小就不爱看语文相关的东西(好吧其实是挺喜欢的,但是就是不看 0v0),因此本篇文章很难做到辞藻华丽、语言优美,请见谅。
  • 由于上点,想要从本文中获取一些有营养的东西的想法是不太现实的,本人欢迎所有的交流、建议、批评甚至抨击,Heartheartheartheart.




· 10 min read
Pwner who wants to write codes.

如你所见,我的昵称叫做 Nova Noir(或者 Nova No1RNova No1r 等各种变体),但是这个昵称后面有些什么故事呢?我的网名的前世今生以及未来又会是什么样子的呢

文章缘起于洗澡时想到的 Lantern 的网名以及他的真实姓名,并从中联想发散(尽管我并没有见过 Lantern 爷,不过机缘巧合下听到了他给我舍友讲的逆向基础课(,然后就去观摩学习了一哈注意到了)。