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2024 Mid-Year Summary

· 9 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

Unconsciously, half of 2024 has already passed. There are many things worth recording in this past half year.

Traffic alert.

Daily Accounts

Thanks to OneDrive and the gradually developed habit of keeping records, we have more things to write about.


Went home! Karaoke with friends! Other than that, there doesn’t seem to be much else. At that time, I was probably still healing my emotional wounds (just kidding).

The view you see when you fly back


Went back to my hometown for the holidays. I vaguely remember writing a rather long essay.


Played mahjong with friends, casually made a four concealed pungs (a complex hand in mahjong).


Took a family portrait at my brother's photography studio, but he kept making me laugh :(

Went skiing! Skied twice, and now I'm a skiing master (meaning I learned how to do single-board falling leaf).


Bought some cool peripherals and quickly sold them (this keyboard is unacceptable for a programmer).



In March, I drank all night with classmates twice, haha, true wild men.

I have to admit, Beijing's blue hour is quite beautiful.


Went to Hangzhou to participate in the West Lake Debate.



Starting from April, it seems like I was preparing for summer camps, so I didn't do much this month.


The big one!

In May, I passionately participated in the Arknights Carnival and the Symphony Joint. I have a thousand photos but will share my favorite one; he looks so good.


Visited Line 2 Ark Corridor, met with online friends, ate together, and got massages. Very good memories.

This is also my first time taking a photo with a Coser. Haha, I hope next time I can take a photo without wearing a mask.

Additionally, I had desserts with classmates for the first time and had my first parfait, but it wasn't as good as I imagined.



Went shopping with classmates in the "Canon Official Store."


Went to Shanghai again, had a meal with team seniors, and visited my dream school, Fudan University (didn't get into the summer camp, haha).


A photo taken after 6 years; pardon my messy look at my junior high school graduation; took it however it came.


Participated in the summer camp at Peking University, highly praised the restroom in Li Yi, and enjoyed the food at Peking University. Unfortunately, I didn't finish spending the given money, haha.


Lastly, had a graduation exchange with lab seniors and visited Tsinghua University.


Worth noting, Dean Tan used his student card to spend a fortune on a Tsinghua University automatic umbrella for me, which turned out to be color-faded.


At the beginning of this year, I activated a life management system to record my life's data. Although I slacked off after April, there are still some interesting things to see.


Monthly Report

This is the first monthly report. Unfortunately, as it just started, there isn't much to say, and nothing substantial can be seen from the data. I didn't even know how to write a monthly report, so let's just leave it at that.

Regarding the progress this month: first, I finished the final exams, then prepared a paper presentation and experimented with this new life management system. Human relations were not very successful, but everything else was quite good. Keep it up.


😎 Average sleep time: 7.68h
🛏️ Average sleep time: 02:31
🌞 Average wake-up time: 10:12

😊 Happy: 4 | 😑 Calm: 0 | 😔 Anxious: 1 | 😔 Sad: 1 | 😭 Desperate: 0


Monthly Report

Due to the new year celebrations, almost all plans were disrupted. OKR2 was almost not completed, and OKR1 was barely completed.

Next month, I need to add a new OKR for the postgraduate recommendation. I hope other OKRs can also be completed with quality.


😎 Average time: 7.28h
🛏️ Average sleep time: 02:39
🌞 Average wake-up time: 09:56

😊 Happy: 11 | 😑 Calm: 10 | 😔 Anxious: 4 | 😔 Sad: 1 | 😭 Desperate: 1


Monthly Report


😎 Average time: 7.30h
🛏️ Average sleep time: 01:49
🌞 Average wake-up time: 09:07


😊 Happy: 23 | 😑 Calm: 5 | 😔 Anxious: 1 | 😔 Sad: 0 | 😭 Desperate: 0


Monthly Report


😎 Average time: 6.87h
🛏️ Average sleep time: 02:18
🌞 Average wake-up time: 09:10

😊 Happy: 9 | 😑 Calm: 3 | 😔 Anxious: 0 | 😔 Sad: 1 | 😭 Desperate: 0


Monthly Report


😎 Average time: 6.22h
🛏️ Average sleep time: 04:02
🌞 Average wake-up time: 10:15

😊 Happy: 2 | 😑 Calm: 0 | 😔 Anxious: 1 | 😔 Sad: 0 | 😭 Desperate: 0


Monthly Report


😎 Average time: 7.42h
🛏️ Average sleep time: 03:00
🌞 Average wake-up time: 10:25

😊 Happy: 3 | 😑 Calm: 0 | 😔 Anxious: 2 | 😔 Sad: 0 | 😭 Desperate: 1


At the beginning of the year, I set OKRs for January to June. Let's see how well I did! (whispering)

O1: Live until the day gets better

In this Object, you're supposed to strengthen your body and the ability to focus.

KR1: Yofukashi no nemuri

In this Key Result, you should make your body healthier.

You're expected to sleep enough for 7~8h each day (nap not included). Besides that, you're also expected to get into sleep and wake up in a specific period of time, let's say 0:00~1:00.

To make it measurable, we make rules as shown:

  • 00:00(+-30)~7:30(+-30): 1.0
  • Enough sleep and proper time: 0.8
  • More/Less sleep and proper time: 0.6
  • Enough sleep and improper time: 0.4
  • Neither: 0.2

KR2: Strike at god's first glance

In this Key Result, you should start your day with high efficiency.

All you need to do is to get up as soon as you wake up

To make it measurable, we make rules as shown:

  • Get up immediately: 1.0
  • 5min of nap with only 1 time: 0.8
  • 5min of nap less than 3 times: 0.6
  • Keep sleeping more than 30min: 0.4
  • Play phone until you have to: 0.2

KR3: Experience tranquility

In this Key Result, you should call your ability to concentrate back.

Let's try meditate first.

To make it measurable, we make rules as shown:

  • Meditate 5 times each week for 15 mins: 1.0
  • Meditate 4 times: 0.8
  • Meditate 3 times: 0.6
  • Meditate 2 times: 0.4
  • Meditate 1 time: 0.2
  • No meditate: 0

    Consider that we may feel struggling at first, we simply count those "meditate try" (try to meditate but fail to reach 15 mins) for 0.5 meditate

KR4: Onegai muscle

In this Key Result, you should strengthen your muscle.

You're supposed to exercise in the gym, and eat more.

To make it measurable, we make rules as shown:

  • Exercise (up to 0.8):
    • Exercise 5 times each week: 0.8
    • Exercise 4 times each week: 0.6
    • Exercise 3 times each week: 0.4
    • Exercise 2 times each week: 0.2
    • Exercise 1 or less each week: 0
  • Eat more (up to 0.2):
    • Every extra bowl of rice counts 0.01

KR5: I live in my own

In this Key Result, you should live a happier life, without being affected by others.

You're supposed to record your mood each day.

To make it measurable, we make rules as shown:

  • Happy: 1
  • Peace: 0.75
  • Anxious: 0.5
  • Sad: 0.25
  • Desperate: 0


Go to bed early? Failed. The earliest average for a month was 01:30, haha.


Early rise, barely reached the passing line (not really), meaning getting up within 15 minutes of waking up. Actually, I often sleep an extra 30 minutes or more, but getting up directly a few times pulled the average up.


Meditation, this failed quickly, I can't do it. Meditating after waking up in the morning is just sleeping.


Exercise. Due to the summer camps for postgraduate recommendation, this failed halfway. Currently, I am gradually restoring it...


The learning Object, including specialties, literature, and language, and all of them failed, not surprisingly.


Object for postgraduate recommendation to train algorithms. Big success, I finished the basic algorithm course on AcWing and continuously practiced LeetCode for nearly 3 months! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧❀


Reflections and New Plans

With the summer camps coming to an end, life can gradually return to normal.

In the next half year, I will participate in offline research activities and save money for a Japan trip by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, I will resume physical exercise activities.

Most importantly, I will complete the practical study of compilers and computer networks (hardware-oriented).

For this, I will set new OKRs in the coming days.

Over the past six months, I've become more comfortable in managing interpersonal relationships and gradually moved towards "self-love", which is undoubtedly a good thing.

Over the past six months, I can hardly think of any particularly sad incidents. Does this mean I am becoming more optimistic? Undoubtedly, I quite like the current version of myself, haha.


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