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Night Run on the Playground

· 5 min read
Muel - Nova
Anime Would PWN This WORLD into 2D

👴 was probably too exhausted. Today, he intended to study the Xian'an number theory, look into the unit and research some pwns, but in reality, 👴 didn't do anything productive all afternoon except battling himself, which only made him more emotional. So, after a long internal struggle, 👴 decided to eat first and then think.

Meeting Steve Jobs at Tsinghua

👴 went out for dinner at five o'clock for the first time. In Beijing, the sun sets at five o'clock, which is something unimaginable in 👴's hometown. Even in winter at five o'clock, the sun still shines bright overhead. Once while video calling with a girl in his freshman year, one had dark skin and the other fair, someone who didn't know might have mistaken 👴 for dating an American girl. 👴 ordered a beef steak with abalone sauce, which is one of the highly praised dishes at Tsinghua. 👴 randomly stumbled upon a video of Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford University. 👴 thought he spoke well, although 👴 had a mediocre impression of 🍎; even after buying an iPad and finding it very useful, his opinion didn't change. However, 👴 had a good impression of Steve Jobs as a person. 👴 can't remember the details of Jobs' speech since he was already exhausted at the time. He only remembers something about "stay something, keep something," which seemed to be quite motivational.

Night Run

The beef steak with abalone sauce came with rich side dishes. In order to practice the "clean plate" campaign, 👴 endured the greasiness for a long time. When he finally left the canteen, the moon 🌛 was already out. For someone like 👴, who lives in a low latitude region with long daylight hours every day, there was a sense of time slipping away in that moment.

🌛 Perhaps a flash of inspiration struck 👴's brain. He suddenly remembered a saying he read somewhere, which roughly meant: when you don't know what to do, go exercise. 👴 thought it was silly; feeling mentally exhausted already, the idea of becoming physically exhausted through exercise seemed unreasonable. Nevertheless, in order to achieve his ambitious goal of running 100km each semester as a healthy university student, 👴 started walking towards the playground against the darkness. 👴 usually defined night as no earlier than 8 o'clock. Even though it was only six, since it was already as dark as ten, 👴 decided to call it a night run.

Originally planning to run seriously, 📱 in his pocket, 👴 completed three laps determinedly. Normally, his sports app would vibrate if something went wrong, but this time, the app was silent. Checking it, 👴 saw he had only run 0.04 km in 22 minutes, which indeed killed his motivation to run. Since he had already achieved 1km, he decided to move on and consider it as overdoing his exercise for the day. However, he still had to complete the 5km goal; otherwise, his outing that day would be in vain. So, wearing his wf-1000xm4 earbuds, 👴 began to stroll around the playground, experiencing various sights and sounds, leading to the theme of this essay, Night Run on the Playground.

👴's Spotify playlist usually consisted of anime songs, but unexpectedly, the daily recommendation introduced an English song today. The song was "Say You Won't Let Go," which 🧑‍🎤👴 had never heard before but found quite enjoyable. (👴 still couldn't find this song in his daily recommendations, it was truly a magical occurrence.)

👴 walked with his hands in his pockets, wearing a cap on the playground. He resembled the album cover in a way, but unfortunately, he wasn't as handsome as the person on the cover. The playground was quite populated, from kids playing football and accidentally kicking the ball onto the running track, to skilled runners suddenly stopping in the inner circle to check their phones. The noise-canceling ability of the wf-1000xm4 was impressive; once the music played, 👴 couldn't hear the surrounding noise, just passing shadows one after another, leaving him with quite a few emotions, especially the spotlight on the playground casting a beautiful light on the falling leaves of what seemed to be a birch tree.

Reflecting on this composition, 👴 walking on the playground with fallen leaves, surrounded by a spotlight, would have made a great photo. Unfortunately, it was 👴 standing under the spotlight, a poorly-dressed goblin-like guy who only wore black from head to toe. He couldn't help but sigh at the artistic regret.

The first time 👴 walked through the fallen leaves was interesting, with the song "Dry Flower" playing in his ears. He could feel the satisfaction of kicking up the leaves, making him kick them every lap.

While walking, 👴 thought about various aspects of his academic life and plans for studying abroad. However, as he couldn't come up with anything and was too lazy to write, he decided not to dwell on it for now and perhaps write about it in the future in a piece entitled "Running Through the Night."

After more than an hour, 👴 finally completed the 5km. He walked slowly but jogged 2km for a faster pace, taking breaks in between. Although the sports app didn't analyze his pace after the run, perhaps due to changing the device language, 👴 was still happy. Leaving the playground, 🏫 crowded with people near the bell tower, 👴 wanted to join but considering his sweaty and exhausted state, he decided to head back to the dormitory quickly.


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